All Nations Lutheran Church was founded by members and pastors of St. Mark's Lutheran Church in Toledo. Interest in a Newport congregation also serving the DeLake area (now part of Lincoln City) began in early 1940. Services were conducted by the pastors of St. Mark's in borrowed buildings between 1940 and 1944. There were four families in Newport who continually supported this effort. They were the Krakes, the Lukins, the Thomases, and the Bahrs.
In October 1945, All Nations Lutheran Church of Newport was officially organized at a meeting with Misters Edward Bahr, Louis Krake, Herman Krueger, Frank Lukins, Walter Rietz, and John Schneider as voting members, Pastor John Simon presiding. They voted to make application for membership to the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and to incorporate under the laws of the State of Oregon. Pastor Simon's excitement and joy still shine in his account of this meeting: "May our Lord and God richly bless our new congregation and cause it to prosper and grow even above our fondest expectations."
Within the next few years, the membership grew to 40. In 1949 a building project was begun, and the first building was dedicated in 1950. It was built with volunteer labor, district loans, and donations of members and friends. This building still stands on Eads Street. In 1958, with an average attendance of 34 on Sunday, the church decided to expand and bought 10 lots on 12th Street. The current building was dedicated in 1960 with great celebration including members of St. Mark's and the DeLake group. By July, 1961, there were 74 communicant members and 141 baptized souls.
The years have brought many blessings, a few challenges and some changes. Since its initial founding with Pastor John Simon, All Nations has been served by nine pastors. who will God send to be the tenth? Pastor Fred Riess arrived in 1959, Pastor Martin Zagel in 1963, Pastor Adam Lautenschlager in 1966, Pastor Pete Zagel (son of Pastor Martin Zagel) in 1967, Pastor George Hoffman in 1982, Pastor Timothy Bickel in 1987, Pastor Timothy Renstrom in 1997, Pastor Dave Gruenhagen in 2006, after three years of service Deacon Jim Fryckman will be retiring July 2015. Pastor Steven Waterman began November 1 2016 moving to Ressurection Lutheran Church in Florence Oregon Aug 1 2021.

LCMS Doctrine